Labor of love—waiting on our Baby boy
Some of you
may know this others this, for others this might be the first time hearing, We
are Expecting a baby boy via the miracle of adoption due 4/22/2013 which also
happens to be our anniversary! What a
great Gift!
I spoke to expectant mom yesterday, and all is on track for
the adoption plan. She shared with me
that the baby keeps her up at night. The
expectant mom seems very excited about
her baby’s future with us. Last night I had a heart to hear conversation with expectant mom and she said to me when I found out I was expecting, I am glad I choose life for my baby and God led me to your family. We are so
excited about an answered prayer after five years of praying. Last night Jose
Luis went to sleep smiling, saying mom my baby brother’s birthday is this
month, Yay!
We are doing the final push to get all the much needed funds
to make it happened. Because this happened so fast the grants we had hope to
get did not work out. If possible, if you can help, even with just $1.00 and
share this with your friends………….I know this baby will one day find out that
lots of people put their $1.00 together to help him get to his forever one.
What a great story to tell. We have room and love at the flores, please help
and share our story.
Those who know us know that one
of our greatest challenges is asking for
help. In fact this might be the second time in 8 years we have asked. We
wish that we were financially able to write a check and not even think about
the cost, final fees, travel expenses etc, but realistically that is not happening. We know that God can open an avenue of means
to us that we don’t even know exists. Our family, friends , friends of family, friends
of friends and child will know that God put us together and bridged
an entire group of people with love and
support, so that this child , our promise
child, could come to his forever home where he belongs.
We ask now that you pray and seek God’s
guidance about helping us. If, after much prayer and devotion, you feel
that God has laid it on your heart to help us out, we cannot even begin to
express our thanks. We did not want you to miss knowing
about our need and an opportunity to help. Whether you can help in a small/big way or via
prayer just remember that you will be making a difference.
You will
never know how much your support means to us.
We hope to use this experience to tell people that even though our
option of having children naturally did not
happened, God provided for us more than we could have ever imagined. Adoption can be a long, stressful, and
sometimes lonely process. However, we learned that when you leave it in the
hands of the Lord—it becomes a joyful, spiritually enlightening, and wonderful
process. We come to you sincerely, respectfully with our hearts open. thank you for taking time to read this letter
and for your possible support.
moves the world, God will always make you rich enough to be generous”
To Follow our adoption journey visit our adoption blog at:
can click on the paypal button there or
you can help by going directly to paypal and sending as little as $1.00 or as much as
moves the world, God will always make you rich enough to be generous”
Thanks again for reading, may God bless you for your
kindness. Maria, Jose and Jose Luis AKA TIgre.
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