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The Flores Family, Maria, Jose and Jose Luis-praying and fundraising to bring Jose Luis sibling home. The home study is in process, funds received have been assigned to that part of the adoption. Every little bit helps even $1.00 via paypal.There is a time in life when people come to the realization that houses, cars, and money do not bring the happiness once expected. Some people discover this truth later in life and some are blessed to discover it much earlier. We have always agreed that we wanted our family to include some little ones to run around the house. Now we feel God has laid it on our hearts again to refocus our attention and continue to build our family…. Our Journey continues, and we are seeking to adopt again one child or a sibling groups from ages 0-6. Adoption can be a very difficult/expensive path to navigate. It can also be a long, stressful,and sometimes lonely process. We learned that when you leave it in the hands of Lord—it becomes a joyful, spiritually enlightening, and wonderful process. We come to you sincerely, respectfully with our hearts open. Thank you,for your time and for your possible support via prayer or financially. God Bless you

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning

Tears, Tear, Tears…………yes many tears have recently been spotted near my pillow and near the computer room   A little over  one month ago,  it appeared that the answered to the five year prayer of our son Jose Luis AKA Tigre and a lifelong prayer of mines came true.  Although I had no business looking into a private adoption situation yet as we were waiting on a foster to adopt placement via our state, I looked and there it was a posting about a expectant mother  who choose life for her son and was looking for a Hispanic Christian family to adopt her son.   And here we were, just me looking.  I was so excited and I contacted the agency and thought I had received all the details. Maybe I did but in the excitement of being able to adopt a newborn very important details were missed.  Almost two weeks later after contacting the agency, the birthmother choose us. We  were not even looking into   domestic adoption yet and  we were shocked that everything could happen so quickly.  We had lots of things to do in a very short time and lots of fundraising to do to make sure we had all the resources available. We thought that God had dropped this adoption into our laps. A lifelong dream of adopting a new born baby was going to become reality in such a short time.  I thought I was dreaming and kept pinching myself.  Tigre  and hubby was so excited too---We even picked a name!  Tigre would go to sleep smiling and saying “mom my baby brother will be here soon.”

We had lots of things on our  to do list we needed to update our home study and later found out that we needed a brand new one.  Doctors appointments for updated physicals, letters of recommendations, trips to the bank, fingerprints, clearances, more trips to the banks, day and night research for grants,  and lots of fundraising as this was so sudden and private domestic adoptions have a high cost etc, etc.  There were very busy weeks ahead for us.  We spoke to expectant  mom birth mom in various occasions always through the agency on a three way call.  I found this strange as some of my friends have contact with their expectant mom  without a 3rd party involved. Expectant  mom although she choose us did not seem happy most of the time I spoke to her. She would say “Yeah, everyone says this is the best thing for the baby and I want him to have a better life.”   She always kept saying what people thought she should do but never directly answer what she wanted to do or how she felt.  I did bring this up to the agency director and he said to me “Maria, if the  expectant mom won the Powerball tomorrow, what do you think she would do?  This worried me but I kept silent as I did not want to rock the boat.  My home study agency also pointed out to me, among many alarming  things  that  birth mom was drinking medicine that was toxic to the baby but had been prescribed to her due to a condition she had.  We kept praying for mom and baby.  We felt this was our child and would take all the risk.

We tried to guard our hearts and not get excited.   We choose to only tell a few people at work and than I did tell all my contacts on Face book as I needed their support via prayer and via my fundraising efforts  Most of my family found out via facebook or phone calls too. Then we felt guilty for not being excited about our future baby boy.   Receiving an answer to a life long prayer should be exciting.  So slowly, we started to  open our hearts to being parents in April. We had additional  phone conversations with expectant mom  and she seemed to be more interested in getting to know hubby, she kept asking tons of questions about him and continued to request more pictures of the family  but I was okay with it. 

On Wednesday 4/3  our good news changed.  Due to a private situation no fault of us but  which I prefer not to discussed related to this particular match, we found out that we were could no longer be match with baby boy due end of April.  I won’t go through all the details, but the prospect of adopting this baby boy  whose ultrasound pictures are still in my  inbox  is  no longer an option. It took me a while to digest this information as I try to find a way to make this work. I stayed up various nights praying and asking God to intervene and help leave this door opened but God choose to leave this door closed and even tightened it more.

It was very disappointing  to hear in writing some very hurtful words from someone who I least expected and highly respected, and still do.  However, I took it to the Lord in prayer and although I wrote back to the person I felt led not to send the note so I did not. I know in God’s timing, he will deal with this person accordingly.

The next week or so was so awful.  It seem like everywhere I went someone with the name of the  expectant mom  was there or I kept seeing moms with newborns more than ever.  We were  heart broken and  so was our 8 year old .   My  emotions went from shock to sadness to feelings of  maybe there was something else I could have done then back to sadness again.  We are fine and feel peace now.  Thanks to prayers and  wonderful support groups of friends. .

I don’t really understand why God would place this potential  adoption in our laps , open this door and than close the door  so quickly.  But I have to have trust and have faith that  he has a plan that is so much greater than the pain we felt at the time we were unmatched.

We continue to move  forward. God has  carried  us through this.  We are back waiting again to adopt via the foster to adopt system in our State or via a private domestic adoption or both ways.  I am back looking, researching agencies, fundraising etc, etc.  God already knows the children that will find there forever home at our home in the meantime we wait here patiently once again.

We have talked about lessons learned almost daily and often wondered what additional lessons we are supposed to learn from this disappointment as this is the second one on less than a year. Last June we lost a sibling groups via a failed match through the State foster care due to a kinship showing up at the 11th hour. This one last year left us a house full of cribs , clothes and baby things. Who knows where our road will lead?. I do know that we will not lose faith ,   We don’t always know why God gave us this bump in the road or the one last year, but I believe He is preparing us for something even better! We can only hope, trust and obey. .  I still have no business looking so soon, but I am.  The clock is ticking, the roller coaster took off again and we are not   getting off this roller coaster until it reaches its final destination and the purpose of why we got on it in the first place is accomplished. 


Please continue to pray for us, and if God leads you to help in anyway, you know what to do our fundraising efforts continue until we reach the final destination. Our page outlines a few ways you can help, if you felt led only.  Also feel free to follow our journey as I will update this blog as often as I am able. Shalom


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