About Me

My photo
The Flores Family, Maria, Jose and Jose Luis-praying and fundraising to bring Jose Luis sibling home. The home study is in process, funds received have been assigned to that part of the adoption. Every little bit helps even $1.00 via paypal.There is a time in life when people come to the realization that houses, cars, and money do not bring the happiness once expected. Some people discover this truth later in life and some are blessed to discover it much earlier. We have always agreed that we wanted our family to include some little ones to run around the house. Now we feel God has laid it on our hearts again to refocus our attention and continue to build our family…. Our Journey continues, and we are seeking to adopt again one child or a sibling groups from ages 0-6. Adoption can be a very difficult/expensive path to navigate. It can also be a long, stressful,and sometimes lonely process. We learned that when you leave it in the hands of Lord—it becomes a joyful, spiritually enlightening, and wonderful process. We come to you sincerely, respectfully with our hearts open. Thank you,for your time and for your possible support via prayer or financially. God Bless you

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Win a Beautiful Beach Scene painting by Diane Elgin

Friends/Family/Friends of Family/Friends of friends/We are trying to fundraise to bring our baby boy home, can you help?

First Prize: A Beautiful Beach Scene painting by Diane Elgin,  framed on  cherry wood. (framed 12x14, unframed 9 ½ by 7 ½ ) To learn more about Diane’s paintings visit http://dianeelgin.artspan.com/index.php

Second Prize: Beautiful 12X9  painting “Clock between Coconut Tree scene” (12x9 unframed)

Raffle Information

1. There will be Two winners. .

2. Donate to our adoption fund using the PayPal donation button or by clicking on the words we have room on my blog.  http://wehaveroomflores422x.blogspot.com or on the paypal icon.

$5 donation = 1 chance to win
$10 donation = 3 chances to win
$25 donation = 9 chances to win

If you give a donation, you can also get another chance to win by sharing this on Facebook or Twitter.  Let me know in the comments  or send me an e-mail that you did this.

If you have problems reading the blog or with the donate button, You can also simply send the donation  via PayPal to flores422x@aol.com (just put a note with it designating it for this raffle or send me a private message same e-mail ).

3. I will   video tape the pulling of the raffle tickets winners and post the video on facebook and my blog.

4. Raffle ends on 4/15/2013 , don’t missed out—These paintings are something to write home about, they are Awesome and so, so beautiful.

 Even if you cannot donate, you can be a HUGE help by spreading the word via email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest if you do this and can send me the link showing you did.  That will also win you a raffle ticket . You could even do the old fashioned thing and call some friends on the telephone; we have to get the word out in order for this to be a success!  Please share this blog: http://wehaveroomflores422x.blogspot.com/

We promise all funds received will be used toward an adoption

                                                               First Prize
                     Beach Scene painting by Diane Elgin, framed on cherry wood.
                                     (framed 12x14, unframed 9 ½ by 7 ½ )
 Second Prize
Clock Between the coconut trees unframed 12X9

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Puzzle Fundraiser!

                                              Flores family Puzzle Fundraiser(Click on the words "We have room" below paypal button to  go to the Puzzle Fundraiser page)

This is your chance to be a piece of our puzzle. We have selected two 500 piece puzzle and two 100 piece puzzle that are special to us.  Each puzzle piece is either $5 ,$10 or $20. Tiger's glaze is $5.00 piece,"Heaven in his Hands" puzzle pieces are  $10.00 , and furry friends puzzle pieces are $20.00  Let’s say someone donates $20 to our  $20.00 Puzzle Fundraiser; we would take 1 pieces of our puzzle and write the name of that person/family on the back of each piece. That Friend/family/Friend of friend person has now visibly become a piece or pieces of our puzzle! Remember you can donate for one piece of the puzzle or as many as you want. Once all of the pieces have been claimed, we will have a puzzle party where we will put it together, frame it and hang our child's room it will be a reminder of all who have supported us on this Journey! Now’s your chance to become a piece of the flores family puzzle! We promise all money raise on this fundraiser will be use towards an adoption.
If you prefer just to make a donation,  and not get assign a puzzle piece that is fine two. Click on Paypal and help accordingly. If you need another payment method please e-mail me at flores422x@aol.com
“Compassion moves the world, God will always make you rich enough to be generous”

Sunday, March 17, 2013

We got to get Ready!

Recently I was in the Store with our son Jose Luis and he comes to me and brings me a baby outfit and he said mom this is for my little brother..............I smile and I said, but your little brother is not here yet and he said but mom, we got to get ready.  He is so right about this.  We have been praying for over five years and it has been a long journey.  and Here we go again getting ready for that blessing, our next child! Praying and waiting on our next child is not easy but God has put peace in our heart and said he has it all under control.  It has been quite a long journey but we know God knows and tonight we wait on the Lord knowing he knows the exact location of where our next child is......................I invite you on this new Journey with us.................as we get ready, get set and GO!